Cerebral Palsy Alliance Award



This award is sponsored by the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and will be awarded to the best presentation (oral or poster) reporting research with the potential to prevent or cure cerebral palsy, or into the prevention or treatment of neonatal brain injury. There is one award per annum.


The award is open to any abstract, regardless of status of the investigator or whether the investigator has won the award previously. To be eligible for a PSANZ Cerebral Palsy Alliance Award, the applicant must:

• be a PSANZ member at the time of presentation

• be the presenter and first author of the abstract

Self-nomination for consideration for the PSANZ Cerebral Palsy Alliance Award must be made at the time of abstract submission.


The total amount of the award for 2025 is $3000 which can be awarded to a single or multiple winners. There are no conditions attached to the award.

PSANZ and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance will appreciate a brief summary of the research for the post congress newsletter and media purposes.

The award will be judged by Professor Nadia Badawi or other Cerebral Palsy Alliance delegate and two members of the congress awards judging panel. 

Note:  abstract reviewers will be asked to confirm that the abstract meets the relevant theme of this award. If not deemed relevant to the theme the abstract will be ineligible and not judged.

Awards will be announced on the final day of Annual PSANZ Congress