PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award



The PSANZ-PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award is a new highly prestigious award established in 2014 in partnership with the Perinatal Research Society (PRS)

PRS was established in 1969 and shares many of the aims of PSANZ: to foster multidisciplinary scientific interchange in the field of perinatology and developmental biology, and to foster early research careers. PRS holds an annual weekend meeting in North America in September at which lectures are presented by internationally renowned experts followed by discussion. There are a limited number of invited lectures by early research career investigators – these are prestigious invitations which facilitate networking and discussion with senior investigators.


The winner of the PSANZ-PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award will be one of the invited early research career speakers, supported by grants from PRS and PSANZ.

PRS will cover registration, which includes accommodation and all meals, and an honorarium towards travel. PSANZ will provide financial assistance toward travel costs.


To be eligible for a PSANZ-PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award the applicant must:

  • be a PSANZ member at the time of presentation
  • be the presenter and first author of the abstract
  • have been awarded PhD / MD within the last 5 years: OR, received professional vocational qualification within the past 5 years AND be enrolled in an MD / PhD
  • present research that is aligned with the disciplines of neonatology, discovery science or obstetrics (note that the awardee does not need to be from one of these disciplines, but the research presented must align with one of these disciplines)
  • have not received the PSANZ-PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award previously
  • provide a contact email address for academic supervisor / mentor at the time of abstract submission. Emails will be sent requesting confirmation of eligibility
  • Commit to attend the PRS meeting in September following the PSANZ Congress at which the award is won
  • Commit to provide feedback to PSANZ in the form of a newsletter article about the research and the award

Self-nomination for consideration for the PSANZ-PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award must be made at the time of abstract submission.

Selection Criteria and Committee

  • The award will be made to the best oral presentation by an eligible presenter
  • Presentations will be judged on the basis of scientific merit, on clarity and excellence of the presentation and on ability to answer questions from the audience
  • If PRS members are present at the PSANZ congress, then a PRS member will form part of the judging panel. The remaining judges will be members of the congress awards judging panel

Note: if the Early Career Investigator does not attend the Congress and the abstract is presented by a supervisor or senior author it will no longer be considered for the PSANZ-PRS Mont Liggins Early Career Award. The original submitting author MUST notify as soon as they are aware they will not be presenting the abstract to ensure judges are assigned to appropriate sessions ONLY.

Award will be announced on the final day of Annual PSANZ Congress